This book is a phenomenon because it is simple, well organized, and natural. In addition, it's at students' level. Imperfection is human nature, but the negligible typographical mistakes do not affect the content and the logic or the core ideas of any passage in this book. I strongly recommend this book to students who have difficulties to write essays or paragraphs. If I had the opportunity to have this book when I was taking writing classes, I would for sure have only A+ for all my writing homework, quizzes, and exams. Anyway, I will use it somehow because for me it is beyond the purpose of helping students to write good essays and paragraphs. The beauty of this book is the vivid short stories written by the author--there are just so real.
Evenson needs to be encouraged because as a nonnative English speaker, and as someone who learned English from scratch, he understands the struggle of students in general when it's question to write a good piece of paper. I would like to ask him to keep up the good work because he has a bright future here in the U.S.
Compilation: Samples of Essays and Paragraphs for College Students Product Details:
* Paperback: 216 pages
* Publisher: Outskirts Press (April 25, 2010)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1432754173
* ISBN-13: 978-1432754174
* Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 0.6 inches

Most Helpful Compilation: Samples of Essays and Paragraphs for College Students Customer Reviews:
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is amazing. Students should read it to see how easy this book can help them to enhance their thoughts and writtings., May 15, 2010 By Marc (West Palm Beach,Fl,)
This book is amazing. This book is well done. I was at a Barnes and Nobles store when i found this book on the shelves and i read couple chapters.Then, i decided to buy it at amazon for less, because it helps me to gain the path in solving my writings issues. Every students should take a time at least to read this book. You can expect the good unexpected from... Read full comment
Evenson Dufour, Compilation: Samples of Essays and Paragraphs for College Students, Outskirts Press, 1432754173, Education / Teaching,Education / Essays, Essays, Form - Essays, General, Humor : Form - Essays, STUDY AIDS / General, Study Aids : General, Humour, Study & learning skills: general, Humour: Collections & General
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