China does not appear on a map of the world of Facebook

A Facebookers named Paul Butler makes a map of the world ' new ' based on Interwoven social Facebook page. Map of it he made based on the traffic of friendship on Facebook and based on the composition of the owner of the account in the various countries.

From the map, the most visible part of the city-the city of light is the place where the Facebookers are. The most light like in United States and Europe. At number three, there is Indonesia.

This is in line with the 10 countries the largest users of Facebook. In the first stage is the United States with 146,9 million accounts. And Indonesia with 32.1 million accounts. Consecutive United Kingdom with 28 million accounts, Turkey 24 million accounts, and France with 20 million account.

But uniquely on a map of Butler, there is one part of the missing, i.e. China. Whither China? Whereas China is a country with the largest population in the world.

"Why China is not on the map?" ask a blogger Chinese origin, as cited CNN.

A blogger says, it's actually a lot of other Facebookers Chinese origin. However, the firewall program that used the Chinese Government to block Facebook from Internet traffic that bamboo curtain country. "We used to access the Facebook with ' rounded ' Chinese Internet system, we can login but the detection of other countries," he said.

May be, this is why Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg this week visit to China. Mark said he was in the order a vacation. In China, Mark visited the headquarters of the number one search engine, Baidu, Google beat and

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