How to Snake a Drain Clog

Here’s how to use a drain auger:

1. Wearing rubber gloves, push the cable into the drain while turning the auger’s handle clockwise. Keep repositioning the grip as you feed the snake into the drain.

2. When you feel the auger reach the blockage, keep turning and pull back a bit to chew away and dislodge the clog.

3. Push forward again to grind away and, eventually, drive the auger through the clog.

4. If possible, pull the blockage back out through the pipe. At this point, the job becomes a mess, so have a bucket and rags ready, and pull the cable back through an old towel or heavy-duty rag.

5. If this doesn’t work, try to find a branch cleanout (a sanitary-T fitting with a plug in one fork, located along the drainpipe that runs from the fixture to the main soil stack, often visible in a basement or crawlspace). With a large bucket under the cleanout, slowly back out the plug with a wrench. Be ready: Water and waste may gush out.

6. Run the drain auger in through the branch pipe as described in Steps 1 through 4. If there doesn’t appear to be a clog in the branch, the blockage may be in the main waste and vent stack or in the sewer line.

7. You can try to find the main cleanout and repeat this snaking effort, or you can try running an auger down the vent stack from the roof, although it is probably a better idea at this point to call in a plumber.

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