The term widget is often called the blogosphere. but really what is that widget?
Definition of the widget, in Internet terms is the code "laptop (usually DHTML, JavaScript or Flash) is installed (installed, or simply copy and paste) on a Web page, which has a specific role and become a part of the website.
Another term for widgets: gadget, badge, module, webjit, capsules, extracts, mini Flake, application, etc.
widget programs usually run on a particular server, and you the user simply paste a code (DHTML, JavaScript or Flash) on their website. So your web page shows the output of the processes running on other sites. (Note that this is "generally" there is also a process and runs the result on the same site)
For more information, follow the following explanation:
widget program administered by a single site. say. have a blog, for example Then copy the widget code and peers in Well, the gimmick of the process itself runs, but when you access, sees the output of process running in the yard
If you are an active user of MySpace, to see the slide images on the profile pages of your friends have written nah, could also known as widgets. or you can view in the sidebar, bloggingly Live Traffic Feed Bloggingly? Also widget. provided by Google Translate Tool on the right side of this widget.
For example widget supplier sites, you can see Feedjit, Widgetbox.
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