GRE TOEFL SAT EBooks Collection
10 Secrets to Acing Any High School Test
From high school exit exams to the SAT, Advanced Placement tests to the ACT, test scores count now more than ever. 10 Steps to Acing Any High School Test presents the latest strategies, tips, and advice for mastering each type of high school test question—multiple choice, true or false, sentence completion, grid-in, quantitative comparison, free response—along with easy-to-follow models on time management, test preparation, study skills, and more.
501 Challenging Logic & Reasoning Questions, 2 Edition
Nearly everyone must at some time face a standardized test. This guide eases the process by helping readers improve reasoning, critical thinking, judgment, and decision-making skills, and prepare for exams. Like most standardized tests, it features 501 multiple-choice questions along with complete answers.
Acing the GED Exams
The General Educational Development (GED) exam has changed and now features a shift toward questions that assess both practical knowledge and analytical ability. Candidates must deal with more business-related items. Less text and more graphics are used, including charts, maps, photos, and timelines.
Acing the GRE
With over 60 percent of American graduate programs requiring strong GRE scores for entry, performing well on this test is essential for anyone interested in pursuing a graduate degree. "Acing the GRE provides targeted practice designed to increase academic aptitude and give students the tools they need to succeed.
Acing the SAT 2006
To help students ready themselves for the challenge of the SATs, through both practice exams and skill-improving exercises, this guide offers fast, focused lessons in the areas that students need to study most, as well as practice test questions that prepare students for the math, critical reasoning, and written sections of the test.
ACT Exam Success
LearningExpress's ACT Exam Success in Only 6 Steps! is a potent ACT study tool. Test-takers can learn about the test and discover effective problem-solving strategies tailored to each type of question, along with complete lessons on how to tackle all four topic areas tested on the official exam.
Basic Skills for College
To make the grade in college, students need to master basic skills in reading comprehension, writing, and math. Basic Skills for College is an easy-to-use guide that provides expert tutoring to make students read effectively, become proficient essay-writers, and develop math skills.
CBEST 2nd Edition
This book includes 2 full-length practice CBEST exams. All of our practice questions are just like the ones you’ll see on the actual CBEST, and we fully explain every solution.
Critical Thinking Skills
Text helps readers build the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed at school, at work, and at home. Shows how to maximize your time using the 20 easy steps for effective critical thinking and problem solving.
GMAT Exam Success
GMAT Exam Success in Only 4 Steps is a potent GMAT study tool. Test takers can learn effective problem-solving strategies tailored to each type of math and verbal question found on the GMAT, as well as how to tackle tough analytical essay prompts.
How to Study 2nd Edition
Effective studying is a skill, acquired like any other. How to Study can show anyone how to make studying faster, easier, and more effective. Struggling high school and community college students can use this simple 20-step program to discover their own style and succeed in the classroom. College students and professionals can use this guide to excel in careers.
SAT Math Essentials
SAT Math Essentials contains hundreds of practice exercises to help students prepare for the more difficult math section in the new SAT.
SAT Writing Essentials
The SAT writing exam consists of 49 multiple-choice questions and an essay. SAT Writing Essentials mirrors the real test with 35 minutes devoted to the questions, followed by 25 minutes for the essay. Incorporating the SAT’s most recent changes, these questions emphasize grammar and usage and the most effective way to revise a sentence or passage.
A full-length diagnostic test with answer keys includes reading, math, and writing sections. It is followed with extensive subject reviews in all three test areas and one full-length practice THEA test similar to the actual exam in length, format, question types, and degree of difficulty.
TOEFL Essentials
Students of English as a Second Language will find vital help as they build a large English vocabulary. Nearly 500 words are listed with definitions and pronunciation help. There is also detailed advice for dramatically expanding one’s vocabulary with help from a standard dictionary and a thesaurus. Practice tests with answer keys help students measure their progress as they develop increased fluency in English.
TOEFL Exam Success
The 4 goals of TOEFL Exam Success are: 1) to explain the format of each section of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), in plain English; 2) to offer straightforward and specific test-taking strategies that you can use on the exam; 3) to review the basic reading, writing, listening, and grammar skills you need to score well on each section; and 4) to provide exercises that help you build basic skills and practice the test-taking strategies you learn in each section.
TOEFL Exam Essential
In order to enter most U.S. college programs, foreign students must take and pass the TOEFL exam. This exam assesses the ability to communicate in English by testing listening, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing skills.
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